In each OAI-PMH record, we’ll look for a URL that leads to either

  • the article in PDF format, or
  • an HTML page containing the article.

Without the location of the document, we don’t know it’s open and can’t send people to it.


  • Put either or both of the above in <dc:identifier> elements in the PMH record.
  • The PDF or webpage must be retrievable without logging into the repository site.

If the URL leads to a PDF, we’re done. We’ll use that as an open location.

If the URL leads to an HTML page, we’ll retrieve the page contents and look for either a PDF URL or license information. If found, we’ll decide the document is open.


  • PDF links should be in citation_pdf_url meta tags, for example <meta name="citation_pdf_url" content="YOUR_URL"/>
  • The page should contain a link to the article’s license terms or a notice that the work is in the public domain. Ideally this will be a Creative Commons license, for example If you use a different type of open license, let us know.